Decades of Leadership in the Software Testing Industry

AscentialTest has been forming in the minds of our founders for several years. After building QA Partner/SilkTest at Segue Software in the 90s, they got the opportunity to use their product extensively in the field. As consultants implementing test automation with various tools for more than 10 years, they’ve formed a thorough assessment of the state of the field. What they found surprised them: automated tests were too expensive to build.

Furthermore, the requirement for programming skills to move beyond the superficial tests that can be recorded left out too many members of the team. They also discovered that a large portion of test development time is spent ‘writing code’ to workaround object recognition deficiencies. Some users estimate that time to approach 80%. Clearly this explains why the decision to adopt automation is not always straightforward. With a fresh understanding of the challenges and our heads full of ideas, we’re energized and excited to bring about the next paradigm shift in test automation.

Brian has been working in the field of test automation for more than 30 years. Brian began as a QA Engineer using the testing tools available in the early 1980’s. He joined Segue Software in its infancy and served as the EVP of R&D during that company’s golden years. Brian formed Star Quality, a consulting firm specializing in test automation in the late 90s. After 12 years of experience in the trenches, he’s excited to be building the next generation testing tool that will increase the productivity and and effectiveness of test and development teams.

Dave is a pioneer in the field of automated testing. Dave developed ATF, one of the first automation tools, more than 20 yeas ago. He was a founder and Chief Architect of Segue Software, Inc., the original creators of QA Partner/SilkTest. Dave believes that no testing tool can be easy to use without a solid foundation. That’s why he is committed to providing AscentialTest’s universal agent with the most powerful object recognition engine in the industry.

Pricing Plans - Solo Testers to Large Enterprise Teams

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Solo Testers

Starting at $200/mo

“The Selenium Killer”



Starting at $380/mo



Starting at $6k/mo

Perpetual License


Starting at $8.4k

Perpetual License


Other Resources

Upcoming Webinar

Building Reusable Verification Tests

Tue, March 25, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

The participant will learn:
* How indirection and dynamic instantiation are used to build generic test steps
* How to create universal verification steps and functions
* About built-in functions that provide information about the current state of the target application
* How metadata can be used to set object-related test data
* How to create a test that walks the main menu of an application, opening and closing each dialog

See How We Achieved an 83% Five Star Rating on Gartner

See how AscentialTest compares to the competition, using 18 key features and functions and across 14 different development platforms

  • Supported Platforms (14)
  • Integrated Test Planning
  • Object Recognition
  • Object Repository
  • Test Frameworks
  • Foreign Language UX
  • Drag Generations of Actions
  • Reusable Steps
  • Scripting
  • Manual Testing
  • Parallel Execution
  • Integrated Defect Tracking
  • Test Localization
  • Test Portability
  • Test Management
  • Test Execution Management
  • Integrated Version Control
  • Integrated Test Management


Gartner 5 Star Reviews:

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Gartner 5 Star Reviews:

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Gartner 5 Star Reviews:

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Ranorex Studio

Gartner 5 Star Reviews:

0 %


Object Recognition

AscentialTest recognizes application elements regardless of complexity without coding hacks or reliance on fragile OCR

Drag & Drop

Creating tests with our drag & drop editors is faster and more efficient than recording or scripting

Reusable Elements

Reuse promote faster building and maintenance of tests

No More Test Frameworks

Stop creating test frameworks and focus on your testing

Test Management Tools

Testing projects can get messy without good management tools

Complex Objects

Let AscentialTest do the heavy-lifting when it comes to tables, grids and trees


Testing productivity involves meaningful integration with collaboration tools

Powerbuilder Expertise

We are the recognized go-to testing platform for PowerBuilder, we cover PB v6.x all the way to the current version.



Web Apps





API Testing

Recently Added Features

AT 9.9.4 – Dec 15:

GreenCheckTest automation support for Microsoft WebView2 is provided.

GreenCheckJira integration now supports Jira applications in non-English languages.

GreenCheckOutdated C++ libraries are no longer installed by the AscentialTest installer.

GreenCheckA Jira column has been added for Test Set Detail Reports.

GreenCheckRename is now supported for ‘App Class’.

GreenCheckA new switch has been added to the AscentialTest Command Line to set a subject line for the results email.

GreenCheckThe HookRetryInterval setting in UA Server now as a lower limit.

GreenCheckNew keyboard shortcuts are provided in the Step and Test Editors: Ctrl+T   Comment, Ctrl+W  Uncomment, Ctrl+R  Clear.

GreenCheckThe base language for the path translation feature can now be other than English.

GreenCheckThe Date Format on Test Set reports now uses the localized date format.

GreenCheckThe selected snapshot will no longer change when the user switches work spaces.

AT 9.9.2 – May 11:

GreenCheckMany dark mode enhancements have been made to reduce eye strain when using AscentialTest Editors.

GreenCheckDark mode has been implemented for Plan, Suite and DataTable Editors.

GreenCheckCollapse, Collapse All, Expand and Expand All have been improved for the Project Explorer.

GreenCheckTest Plan Insert and Update modes have been redesigned.

GreenCheckThe Navigate button now supports navigation to functions called from Steps and Tests in all display modes: Full Zee, Line Zee and Non-Zee.

GreenCheckRename is now supported for Selectors. When a selector is renamed, AscentialTest updates the Selector Parameter Name, the path statement and all references to the selector in Steps and Tests.

GreenCheckEmpty Workspaces have been utilized to display an introduction to the workspace in all localized languages.

GreenCheckThe SVN ‘Not a Working Copy’ Warning will no longer display.

GreenCheckReferring to a remote machine by ‘machine name’ for test execution is now supported from both AscentialTest and the command line.

AT 9.9.0 – September 15:

GreenCheckAutomated testing support is now available for custom objects through a new extension kit that provides a mechanism for customers and third-parties to make their custom objects recognizable to AscentialTest.

GreenCheckA Navigate arrow has been added to the call stack of the results output to make it more obvious that double-clicking on the call stack will navigate to the line in the test or step where the error occurred.

GreenCheckOut of date files are now indicated by a dark gray circle when the project is first opened so that the user is prompted to update the files.

GreenCheckA new action, WaitUntilExistsTimed has been added to the AppObject class. It provides the same functionality as WaitUntilExists and adds the time that it took for the window to exist as an out parameter.

GreenCheckDark mode has been implemented for the Step/Test, Source, Plan and Suite editors.

GreenCheckRenderText support is now available for the following PowerBuilder presentation styles: Composite, CrossTab, Label.

AT 9.8.0 – December 7:

GreenCheckTest support for the Microsoft Edge browser is now provided

GreenCheckA new XML class is provided to read, parse and write XML and make it easier to make SOAP/Web Service calls

GreenCheckFull Request for REST/SOAP now returns full error information when a request fails

GreenCheckThe expand/collapse state of the Project Explorer is now saved between sessions

GreenCheckEmbedded Chrome (CEF) is now supported in PowerBuilder/PowerServer/PowerClient applications

GreenCheckLock icons have been added to AppObject, Plan and Data Table panels

GreenCheckFull Request for REST/SOAP now returns full error information when a request fails

GreenCheckClickPath and DoubleClickPath have been added to the TreeView class to make it easier to click or double click in a specific location along a TreeView Item

GreenCheckGetTranslateLanguage has been added to the UA class to return the translate language at runtime

GreenCheckThe Build Number can now be set when executing from the command line

GreenCheckA plug-in is now available for executing tests through Azure DevOps

GreenCheckSome applications embed tiny browsers to display graphical elements. To capture pages that embed tiny browsers, set the MinWindowsWidth parameter in the Web Driver section of the Application Options to a value that is just greater than the width of your tiny browser

AT 9.7.0 -March 1:

GreenCheckPersistent Zee mode in Step and Test Editors

GreenCheckPrimary App Object now set and renamed automatically

GreenCheckAdd Parameters is now available for additional actions

GreenCheckNew drag and drop actions for context and popup menus

GreenCheck‘All’ button now supported for WPF

GreenCheckCtrl + and – will expand and collapse in Project Explorer

GreenCheckRun dialog now displays default values of optional parameters

GreenCheckAppEnable allows extensions to be enabled and disabled at runtime

GreenCheckSupport for Appeon PowerBuilder 2019R3

GreenCheckSupport for Appeon PowerClient 2019R3

GreenCheckSupport for Appeon PowerServer 2021

GreenCheckBuild number included in Test Set reports

GreenCheckJenkins Plugin is now available to make it easy to integrate with AscentialTest command line execution

AT 9.6.5 – May 27:

GreenCheckAscentialTest has been localized for the following languages: French, Japanese and Spanish.

GreenCheckDrag of ‘All’ now includes the MenuBar so that SelectPath will be available in the Actions Panel.

GreenCheck‘Update Paths’ is now a one-step operation. Previously the user had to drag an App Object to App Paths and then select a path. The drag now defaults to the priority path.

GreenCheckA new ‘Clear’ line feature has been added to the Step and Test editors.

AT 9.6.0 – April 4:

GreenCheckAppeon PowerServer testing support is now provided. Support begins with PowerServer 2020 GA.

GreenCheckExtensions for Chrome and Firefox are now installed to the Users\Public folder instead of the Current User path to resolve Windows security issues that some users have experienced when they do not have elevated privileges.

AT 9.5.0 – January 9:

GreenCheckA ‘New Project’ wizard assists the user with configuration of the target application profile and installation of browser extensions. It also provides links to configure the target computer and guidance for taking snapshots, capturing object definitions and creating app states.

GreenCheckThe user can now disable <Ctrl-Shift> to suppress the snapshot capture. This is useful if the target application maps that key combination for another purpose.

GreenCheckThe ability to call REST is now supported.

GreenCheckDatabase purge is available for all of the Test Set databases to remove older results from your database.

GreenCheckDrag and drop App Object definition support is now provided for PbBitmap elements.

GreenCheckThe Windows AppState Wizard now prompts for an optional Login dialog.

GreenCheckTest results now group output by Step, making it easier to interpret results.

GreenCheckPath generation options have been provided for PowerBuilder, making it easier to configure which attributes get used in path generation.

GreenCheckPlayback speed can now be configured in Project Settings.

GreenCheckThe ability to email reports has been added to the ATReports command line.

GreenCheckSetBaseState for the ‘Terminal’ class now provides the ability to use an encrypted password.

AT 9.4.1 – August 23:

GreenCheckUsers can now choose between English and International keyboard runtime support.

GreenCheckImproved performance for Firefox startup.

GreenCheckUser can now combine RenderText and Datawindow support for PowerBuilder tables.

AT 9.4.0 – July 19:

GreenCheckNon-English keyboard runtime support.

GreenCheckSupport for Electron applications.

GreenCheckSupport for 64 bit PowerBuilder applications.

GreenCheckResizable dialog boxes in AscentialTest UI.

GreenCheckReorganized AscentialTest File menu.

GreenCheckDrag and drop support for PowerBuilder toolbar definition.

GreenCheckAbility to disable auto-scroll in Elements and App Object panels.

GreenCheckRenderImage improvements.

GreenCheckNew Html5 attributes.

GreenCheckClose action for MDIChild class.

GreenCheckSeveral AscentialTest UI Improvements.

AT 9.3.0 – November 30:

GreenCheckSupport for Chrome Embedded Framework is now provided. A minimum of CEF version based on Chrome v61 is required. Initial support includes CEF Glue (wpf). We plan to support C# and Electron soon.

GreenCheckThe class library now includes a declaration for RenderText along with a default selector. This makes it easier for users to dynamically instantiate members of the RenderText class.

GreenCheckA new App Object method called Unregister provides a way to unhook an application at runtime.

GreenCheckRenderImage has been redesigned to automatically generate the definition for RenderImage objects that are to be added for an AppObject. It will no longer be necessary to reopen the snapshot.

GreenCheckAll PB Units (PBUnit, Pixel, 1/1000 of inch, 1/1000 of centimeter) are now supported for PowerBuilder.

GreenCheckAn additional path for the TerminalSignonDialog has been added to accommodate the title of the latest IBM Terminal Emulator Signon dialog caption.

AT 9.2.4 – March 21:

GreenCheck‘HasError’ is now available as an attribute query from the command line, making it easy to rerun tests that failed in the previous run.

GreenCheckThree new actions: GetLastActualImage, GetLastDiffImage and GetLastDiffPixelCount have been added to support image comparison features.

GreenCheckRow Select is now supported for PowerBuilder tables.

GreenCheckAn option to switch to RenderText for PbDataWindows that use PbGroup has been added.

AT 9.2.1 – February 7:

GreenCheckA new custom report feature has been added to allow users to design and format their own reports.

GreenCheckDrag and drop is now supported for the class PdfLabel to make it easier to define App Objects for PdfLabel elements.

GreenCheckA new Firefox extension is provided for Firefox versions v58 and newer.

AT 9.2 – December 22:

GreenCheckRenderImage has been completely redesigned. It is not only much easier to use, but it is also much faster.

GreenCheckRenderText now works on the IE Browser including the popup navigator bar.

GreenCheckRenderText now works on OwnerDraw ListBox and ListView.

GreenCheckPixel and color tolerance have been added VerifyImage.

GreenCheckA new action called WaitForImage has been provided to allow the user to wait for an image to display.

GreenCheckA new action called SendMail has been added to the System class to allow the user to send an email directly from a test. The user can specify a subject and body and include attachments.

AT 9.0 – October 3:

GreenCheckTest plan requirements can now be linked to multiple rows in a Data Table, essentially generating a Test Plan based on user selection of table rows.

GreenCheckTest Plans contain a new built-in attribute called ‘RunCount’ that allows the user to select the number of iterations that a test is to be executed.

GreenCheckAppStates have been introduced to make it easier to create ‘OnStart’ and ‘OnFinish’ actions.

GreenCheckThe visual Query Editor has been implemented in the ‘Mark by Query’ dialog to make it easier to create attribute queries.

GreenCheckThe option to select, generate and email reports at the end of a Test Set run is now provided.

GreenCheckGenerating Test Set reports from the command line has been simplified to make it easier to integrate with continuous integration software.

AT 8.3 – June 12:

GreenCheckImage capture and comparison with masking is now provided.

GreenCheckThe ability to define a region of an object is now provided. Regions can be used to specify areas of an image to be compared. Regions may also be used to identify a clickable area of an object.

GreenCheckThe user can now choose the default attribute for path generation by class to improve naming and robustness of object recognition for web elements.

GreenCheckConstants and user-defined functions can now be used in path statements.

GreenCheckTwo new attributes have been added to the class PdfText: @LineIndex and @LineSegment. These attributes provide a way to define tables for PdfText that is lined up in rows and columns.

AT 8.2 – March 3:

GreenCheckValidation of pdf content is now supported to enhance verification.

GreenCheckFiles of any type can be attached to test results, perhaps as evidence of test results or images for enhanced description of errors.

GreenCheckManual test cases can be imported from Excel.

GreenCheckKeywords can be used to tag tests to enhance test management.

GreenCheckSupport for 64 bit versions of Chrome and Firefox.

GreenCheckNew methods have been added to capture .png files directly at runtime.

GreenCheckNew functions have been implemented to provide the elapsed times of Steps and Tests.

GreenCheckVerify methods and functions now provide an optional parameter that can be set to invoke a snapshot upon error.

AT 8.1 – Sept 19:

GreenCheckWPF controls embedded in a PowerBuilder application are now supported.

GreenCheckPath translation has been implemented to support testing application localization.

AT 8.0 – Aug 18 :

GreenCheckWorkspaces have been implemented to streamline the various tasks required to build, maintain and execute manual and automated tests.

GreenCheckFind References provides a way to locate references to App Objects, Steps, Tests and Functions.

GreenCheckRename provides a way to change the name and propagate the name change to all occurrences of App Objects, Steps, Tests, Step Parameters, Test Parameters and Functions.

AT 7.10 – May 9:

GreenCheckThe Jira Project can now be set in Project Settings so that each project can be associated with a different jira project.

GreenCheckThere are now two modes for integrating tests with a test plan, update and insert. When a test is dragged to a Test Plan in Insert mode, the test name or test description (dependent upon user configuration) becomes the text that is displayed in the test plan node.

GreenCheckA new Navigation icon has been added to the Step and Test Editors to allow navigation directly to data tables, steps and functions.

AT 7.9 – Feb 9:

GreenCheckA WebTable definition wizard has been added to make it easier to define web tables.

GreenCheckWebList definition is now supported through drag and drop.

GreenCheckImage recognition has been added to identify graphical elements that are not real objects.

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What We Are Up To Next

TFS/Azure Integration

Check our new Azure extension for executing AscentialTest command lines in the Azure Marketplace.

We look forward to offering additional integration with Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server and Azure through defect tracking and version control soon.

Omnis Studio

Automated testing support for OMNIS Studio is coming soon. All OMNIS elements will be supported including complex grids, list boxes, tables and tree views.

Custom Objects

Add automated testing support easily for your custom application elements by responding to simple test API messages with json strings. This feature will open up the possibility of testing any GUI element and  will be offered free of charge.

Test Debugger

Set breakpoints in your automated tests, view global and local variables and execute statements to make it easier to debug tests running on any of our supported platforms.

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We will get back to you ASAP.  We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.