Although it has always been possible to integrate AscentialTest with Azure manually, the new AscentialTest Azure pipeline task extension makes that integration much easier to accomplish. The extension configures and runs the AscentialTest command lines to execute tests and generate reports. It also outputs a set of results files to summarize ‘passed’, ‘failed’, ‘blocked’ and […]
The ability to verify the contents of a PDF document may be an important part of a test transaction. In the past, users were required to copy the contents of a PDF onto the clipboard and then create a parsing script to verify its contents. With the release of AscentialTest v8.2, PDF documents can be […]

The AscentialTest Project provides a test framework upon which manual and automated tests are built. Through encapsulation and reuse of project components, AscentialTest reduces the cost, time and level of effort to build and execute tests. This presentation will highlight best practices around project construction and management.

Testing tools don’t exist in a vacuum. The ability to interface smoothly with version control, defect tracking and continuous integration impacts tester productivity.
Productivity is increased when users can access integration with collaboration features from within AscentialTest.

Test maintenance is the most important consideration when evaluating a testing solution. In our years of consulting work, we discovered that teams were spending as much time keeping tests up to date as it took to build them in the first place. Clearly the return on investment was being lost with every change cycle.
Because objects, steps, tests and test data are reusable, there are fewer components to build and maintain. Changes to the target application will result in the fewest possible changes to the testing project so that test are quickly and easily modified and ready to run when you need them.