“I have great experience using Ascential Test, There are only few tools in the market which provides automation testing for power builder. I have found Ascential Test as best tool for power builder applications. Because, with other tools i had issues like recognition of object and they were too complicated to resolve for each of […]
“AscentialTest is a powerful Test Management and automation tool with loads of latest capabilities and ease in maintenance. Our experiences with the Zeenyx Support team have been great. The support team members promptly respond to our queries, are very knowledgeable, and are eager to provide appropriate solutions for our applications. They provide the required support […]
“After an initial relatively steep learning curve, tests can be implemented very easily and the maintenance using the step concept is very user-friendly. ” What we liked most: Concept of reusable steps Recognition of object in a snapshot CICD automation Professional support
“I have worked with my lead QA person who set up the suite of tests and saw how flexible and powerful the product is. Tests can be run on an ad-hoc basis or as part of a suite of tests. Tests are relatively easy to set up and the product fully understands PowerBuilder which is […]
“We have found the tool easy to use (after initial training), even for novices, and it works very well over PowerBuilder apps. Support from Zeenyx has been outstanding, they are extremely helpful and will spent whatever time is needed helping us get scripts working. I have found the tool slightly more difficult to get working […]