Test maintenance is the most important consideration when evaluating a testing solution. In our years of consulting work, we discovered that teams were spending as much time keeping tests up to date as it took to build them in the first place. Clearly the return on investment was being lost with every change cycle.
Because objects, steps, tests and test data are reusable, there are fewer components to build and maintain. Changes to the target application will result in the fewest possible changes to the testing project so that test are quickly and easily modified and ready to run when you need them.

Complex objects like tables, grids and trees exist in most target applications. Recognizing rows, columns and elements contained in cells is imperative. Likewise the ability to locate a row even when scrolled out of view is a basic requirement.
The AscentialTest table interface allows users to select, input or edit rows in complex objects using drag & drop as seamlessly as interfacing with a simple edit field without any coding.

Object recognition is the foundation of GUI test automation. Object-action based tests rely on stable definitions of all application elements especially complex tables and grids.
In AscentialTest changes in object hierarchy in the future have no impact on object recognition whatsoever.

Time should be focused on building tests that validate the target application, not on test frameworks which can take weeks or months to build.
The AscentialTest Test Class ensures that every test is independent, starting and stopping from known ‘base states’, so that a failure in a test will not produce a domino effect where all subsequent tests fail.

Testing productivity is about time, cost and level of effort to develop and maintain tests utilizing the skills of the existing test team.
Building test automation through Drag & Drop reduces the learning curve, does not require a specialized skill set and provides the fastest, most efficient way to build robust automated tests.

Over time, test automation engineers find that requirements for utilities repeat. Chances are good that if there is a need for a utility today, it will be needed again for some future project. It’s easy to create reusable tools that can be shared with others in AscentialTest.